We turn your favorite ChatGPT prompts & convos into tools you can operationalize & monetize in minutes.


Here’s a list of some of the use cases We have created for businesses.

The truth is, as fast as this space is growing and innovating, new use cases are popping up like mushrooms each and everyday. This page is updated with some of the most exciting and popular ones we come across from our community.

AI Powered Lead Magnets

No more boring “download this” lead magnets or complicated friction heavy surveys. Easily build industry specific tools that are engaging and deliver a out (powered by GPT) upon submission. Let’s say you have a gym client. Easily create a “build my workout”. Embed on your website, and collect leads who engage with this automated AI widget. Send those AI responses to a webhook and make your workflow even more powerful.

Powerful Prompt Chain Workflows

Chain together your favorite ChatGPT prompts and automate your workflows in just a few inputs from your end users. Run your AI responses into more prompts that build on top of each other. Whether you’re using this for internal workflows or delivering powerful done for you AI solutions, prompt chaining is going to 10x your experience.

Custom Internal Tools For Your Team

Building a website? Planning a marketing campaign? Create tools where either you or your client inputs the data and it’s ran through multiple fulfillment related prompts that generated the outputs you need to deliver a project quicker, cheaper, and more efficient. Bonus: you’ll also look like a rockstar to you clients.

AI Tools Enhanced By Your Data

Upload a data source such as a CSV file or PDF and link it to one of your tools. You can uniquely reference your data with prompts and your end users can get enhanced outputs that reference the data you linked to your tool. This is one of the easiest ways to deliver done for you AI solutions that are specific and bespoke to your end users or clients.

AI Powered Quizzes

Automate Your Teaching Prompts: Convert your regular prompts into AI-powered forms.

Curriculum-Aligned Responses: Upload your syllabus and planning documents, and let AI produce responses that align seamlessly with your curriculum.

Prompt Chaining: Generate multiple teaching and learning resources at the click of a button with prompt chaining.

Embeddable Niche Toolsets

Deliver a mobile response portfolio like page to your end users with all of your AI tools at their fingertips. Easily embed and iFrame anywhere. Use your OpenAI API key or your client’s to power the tools inside of the AI suite. Control where it’s embedded and customize the look of your AI tools with a title, icon, and description.


From marketing, lead magnets, copywriting, webinars, coaching tools, and more. We provide the tools you need to start monetizing and creating lead magnets that stick. With new templates added daily, you can spend less time prompting and more time selling!